Surf abroad

Surf abroad, what does it mean? – Dstny explains!

Surfing abroad with your subscription With EU’s new legal framework for roaming prices you can now surf abroad without paying an extra dime. In your subscription with free surf the fees are automatically removed, but if you have a prepaid card you need to check with your carrier what rules apply.

The change applies to all EU countries as well as EES countries, so before most trips in Europe this is something you don’t have to worry about in your upcoming bill. You do however need to double-check before you leave, since a few countries/areas in Europe aren’t part of the agreement.

The mobile is connected to a local network that previously charged using international carriers. This means that connection through Swedish subscriptions is just as good as having a phone with a local subscription from the country you’re in.

  • It doesn’t cost extra to surf within Europe
  • If you already have free surf it’s automatically free abroad
  • The new changes apply to both 3G and 4G
  • Swedish carriers have good connection in most countries
  • The changes don’t just apply to surf, but also calls and texts
  • Applies within countries part of EU or EES countries
  •  Surfing abroad still costs with some prepaid cards

Roaming fees in EU and EES countries

The EU agreement to remove roaming prices came about in 2017 and includes EU countries and EES countries. This means that you can bring your Swedish subscription (where surf is included) and surf just like you would at home without worrying about sky-high mobile bulls when you get home from your trip.

Observe that the new rules applies to subscriptions where surf is included, and not necessarily prepaid card customers that pay for the amount of surf used. It’s therefore beneficial to have a standing subscription, even if you don’t travel a lot.

Most countries in Europe are included in EU or EES. But make sure that the destination you’re traveling to is. Cyprus is an exception, with a part of the island outside of EU territory where the rules don’t apply.

Why were roaming fees removed?

In the increasingly more globalized society where traveling becomes far more easily accessible and less expensive, we’re more connected than ever and a natural step in this progression was the removal of surf prices, even internationally. EU operators for a global world but also a European cooperation.

This change contributes to work and leisure trips within Europe, which in the long run promotes inter European retail and cooperation. The change is a part of EU’s investment in cohesion and creation of a European identity. The goal is for people within EU countries to integrate without limitations.

The fact that EES countries are include was a decision that derived from their strong cohesion with other European countries, whereas Norway and Switzerland are big retail partners and travel destinations but not part of the EU. The introduction of free surf abroad isn’t only great for our wallets when wanting to instagram from the beach – but it also has great cultural meaning.