
Sweden investing in broadband expansion

Sweden investing in broadband expansion

Whether you’re browsing internet on your phone, holding an online event, or simply sending an email – there is nothing more frustrating than an unstable internet connection. With that said, in an increasingly digitalized and globalized world, a fast, reliable internet connection is crucial for both individuals and businesses. In fact, both rely on broadband … Continued

Become an email professional – how to write an effective and distinct mail

Become an email professional – how to write an effective and distinct mail

Have you ever written an important email, sent it to the recipient and then immediately after went into the sent-outbox to read the email from the “recipients’ point of view”? I have… Writing a really good email is an art form. To have your thoughts and opinions distributed in a clear and effective way, without, … Continued

Creativity, collaboration and empathy is the future of the modern workplace

Creativity, collaboration and empathy is the future of the modern workplace

Changes are happening fast now. Very fast! In a world where health, environment and economy can feel like unstable subjects, we will, in all probability, have to get used to rapid changes in the future as well. There is a lot of talk about AI, Augmented Reality, automation, 5G and other technical solutions that will … Continued

How IoT has played a big role in healthcare during the pandemic

How IoT has played a big role in healthcare during the pandemic

IoT, also known as Internet of Things, continues to define as well as redefine entire industries, and the pandemic has further fuelled its prominence by pushing development with greater adoption within the healthcare sector. Since Covid-19 has changed many of our daily lives, including companies, we see technology develop at a much faster pace to … Continued

The Calendar Monster – Get control of your calendar again

The Calendar Monster – Get control of your calendar again

Now the summer vacations are reaching their ends and we are going back to our everyday routines again. And with routines, stress also tends to creep in. The calendar gets completely filled, for several weeks going forward, and weekly meetings, reconciliations and workshops are booked, in a rapid pace. Sometimes you wonder when you will … Continued