
Dare to start your video – 4 benefits of seeing each other at remote meetings

You connect to a distance meeting and suddenly you are faced with a crucial decision. Should I connect with video or should I leave it off? What if I am the only one who do not activate the video? Or what if I turn on the video and no one else does?

Do you recognize the feeling?

The number of video meetings, held worldwide, has increased rapidly recently, which may not come as a suprise. In a world where we are encouraged, or even forced, to distance ourselves from each other, video conferencing becomes an important tool to keep businesses going. This can be a way to keep up with your colleagues and meet new customers.

However, many choose to connect to video meetings without turning on the video, and only use the audio channel. While it may feel good to hide behind a turned off camera, there are actually benefits to daring to turn on the camera.

1 Speech order

When you sit in a physical meeting room, body language is used to indicate that you want to talk. Small gestures, such as leaning a little forward, nodding your head, an open mouth, or even just a deeper breath may indicate that you want to speak when the previous speaker is done.

During regular telephone calls between two parties, it is usually not a problem to not see each other. But when there are suddenly more people participating, the natural flow can be disrupted. It is easy for people to talk over one another or uncomfortable silences to appear. Many conference services are also built in such a way that the sound of those who do not speak is lowered, thus reducing noise and disturbing sounds in the background.

By daring to turn on the video, you see, through people’s body language, clearer who wants to talk next.

2 Quiet feedback is almost as important as spoken feedback

Have you ever sat in a distance meeting where you have to show something and it is completely silent after you speak? When we meet physically we can see on smiles or heads nodding, that what we are showing was received positively or negatively. By turning on the video you can look at the participants if what you are showing or talking about is good, bad, interesting or boring. The silent feedback we provide through our body language is extremely important.

3 Credibility

Seeing each other helps create credibility. If you are presenting a product or service to a new customer, it can be a big plus to dare to activate the camera. Many talented salespeople know about the importance of mirroring their customers and thus creating trust. We also find it easier to determine if a person is genuine or not by seeing them.

4 Creates affinity

For colleagues who work remotely, the video becomes extra important in creating togetherness. It is simply easier to get to know someone if you get to see him or her while they are talking. Never underestimate the importance of seeing a smile.

There are many benefits to daring to put the video on while having remote meetings. And believe me, you are always more critical of yourself than you are of others when you see them on screen.