Bad mobile signal? Most common reasons why your calls drop

If you’re currently in an important business call in your apartment, you may have experienced bad connection and that your mobile signal bar is an all time low. You’re not alone. In fact, bad mobile connection is really common and in this post we’ll bring up a few reasons why this may occur.

1. Mobile connection and heavy traffic

If your neighbours are all calling their loved ones at the same time as your business call, this can result in that all signals end up fighting for a spot in the nearest mobile mast. When your phone is connected to a tower, the chance of your call dropping is low, but the more traffic fighting for that spot, the worse your signal will be. If your call is then sent to a mast that is already full, your call will most likely drop.

Mobilsignal och trafik

2. Building blocks

This took a cool minute for me to figure out, but the building material in your apartment could be the culprit for your bad connection. Metal and different types of glass are materials that may affect your signal. Try walking around your home and see where the signal gets worse. Is it between a window or a door? Then your bad signal is probably due to metal blocking it.

3. Weather and nature

Mobile phones send and receive electromagnetic waves that can be directly affected by weather phenomena such as humidity, clouds, thunder, lightning, wind, snow and rain. In addition to this, the nature you live near can also affect the signal. If your house is surrounded by large trees, this can cause a deteriorating signal. Another example is if you live by a mountain. If you live on one side and the mast is on the other, you can expect a worse connection.

DÃ¥lig mobilsignal i naturen

4. Battery

If you’re one of many who never charge their phone enough. Then you can expect to have a worse signal because your phone needs energy to maintain a good connection to a mobile mast. In connection with this, your battery can also be consumed if you have poor connectivity because your phone uses energy to communicate with a mast.

Mobil coverage inside for companies med Dstny

As more  companies work with mobile solutions, it is incredibly important to have good coverage. Mobile coverage isn’t always up to par and this can unfortunately lead to missed business cases. We therefore offer the Mobile Indoor Coverage service, which means that we install repeater equipment that redirects and distributes the radio signals in offices.

We identify where in the property that requires better coverage and which operator to use. Then we measure both indoors and outdoors to be able to produce a proposal and quote. When the order is made, we agree on when the installation will be completed. Of course, we provide ongoing support and service during the process.

We offer mobile indoor coverage in two different bundles; Standard and Plus. Standard includes a 3G repeater for smaller premises that can be adapted to all carriers. It is also possible to configure if you were to change carrier. This repeater can be expanded with more internal antennas and is thus perfect for rooms with open area of ​​about 500 sqm and 12 users. The Plus package includes a fully automatic and band-selective 3G repeater for the 2100 MHz band. Unlike Standard, this covers up to 3000 sqm and accommodates 50 users at a time. This is perfect for an office, house or industrial building. It is also possible to adapt to several operators at the same time.

Read more about Mobil Coverage with Dstny