Our OPEN MIND:ER Niclas Bohm

Niclas Bohm is our Uppsala-based Project Manager in our awesome Delivery team. He is one of our stars that ensures that new customers are put into operation with the help of a clear project plan that leads them all the way to a finished PBX. He is motivated by learning new things, which is a must in managing and putting new customers into operation who all have different structures and expectations. In his spare time, he likes to hang out with friends and his girlfriend, and like many Dstny:ers – an avid gamer, who likes to play Escape from Tarkov or Counterstrike. He is also great at bowling after a lot of training in his younger days.

Name: Niclas Bohm
Nickname: Bohm
Department: Delivery
Role: Project Manager

4 quick questions

  1. Lunch box or lunch our? Lunch box
  2. Ski trip or sunny vacation? Sunny vacation
  3. Slack or Teams? Slack
  4. Video meeting or phone meeting? Video meeting

The role and Dstny

  1. What does your role entail? In my role, the main task is to put new customers into operation who have signed contracts. We make contact with the customer and lead them all the way to a finished PBX. This means that we have meetings where we go through the project plan, how the PBX should be built up and have training so the customer can handle everything within the PBX once it is operational and ready.
  2. What does a typical workday look like? My days always vary, but always start by looking through the email. Then it can start with onboarding of a new customer, call new customers and meetings as well as training. Before Covid-19, it became more that you took both meetings and trainings on site, but it has become a more standard to take this via Teams.
  3. How does your team collaborate to reach mutual goals? The role we have involves a lot of personal responsibility, as I am responsible for the customer to get started with the product they ordered. But we have constant contact with weekly meetings where we structure and ensure that we are in phase with all deliveries and goals.
  4. Why did you start working at Dstny? I previously worked at 3 and was urging for a new challenge within cloud-based PBX solutions. I had heard great things about Dstny so it felt like a natural choice. 
  5. What challenges have you experienced in your role? To always be juggling several different things, something that is constantly improving. 
  6. What motivates you at work? Learning new things and to be challenged. Of course coupled with delivering a top-notch product that our customers are satisfied with. 
  7. What is your best tip for Dstny new-comers? I don’t want to sound too cliché, but be yourself, dare to make errors, and ask for help. 
  8. What is your best memory from your role in 2021? Going down to Gothenburg to visit half of the team. 
  9. What is a leasson learnt that you take with you from 2021? Planning is key to success. 
  10. What do you look forward to next year? Moving back to Stockholm to be closer to work. 
  11. Who is your favorite colleague? Everyone is just as lovable.