Mobile PBX

How do I get started with my mobile PBX?

If you have a mobile license and want to get started with Dstny mobile you need a welcome text. To receive one you need to go to the site and log in with your information, choose "Applikationer" and thereafter "Skicka installations-SMS igen". When you've recieved your welcome text you click the link to go to the landing page with easy instructions of how to finish the installation.

If you already have the app downloaded via App Store or Play Store you choose "Konfigurera" for the app to start working.

How do I transfer calls with the Dstny app?

With the app you can choose to transfer calls surveilled or directly. When you have an ongoing call you go to the Dstny app and choose the person in your contact list you want to transfer the call to. While in contacts you have the choice of transferring directly or surveilled.


How do I call via wifi?

You need to contact Dstny Support in time before you want to use this function in order to get the right settings for your user. To receive calls through WiFi counts as a softphone call in the rules on users in the PBX. To activate the service it requires that you have a licens for both mobile and softphone.

In the app you can choose to call through WiFi which allows you to save a lot of money and especially while abroad. The activation is simple and can be done directly in the app. How you do varies depending on if you have a iOS or an Android unit.


Open the Dstny app, swipe right and you will have your settings.

Choose "Only Voip" and log in.

When you're ready to call via WiFi, it only requires you to call directly through the app.


Open the Dstny app, swipe right and you will have your settings. Choose VoIP setting:

Thereafter choose "Only WiFi" and press log in and you're set.

Make sure that it works by setting you phone on airplane-mode with WiFi and try make a call.

Can I see if someone has called on the PBX number or my own connection in the mobile?

Yes, we can set it up so that the call coming from the PBX shows your PBX number or for example 2 numbers before calls. If you want to see the PBX number we will save the information of who called in your call history on the website.

You can find call history on your user page. Contact your administrator on the company or Dstny Support and we will set the number presentation for the PBX number for you.