Companies that take responsibility

Of course, it is important that private individuals do their part when it comes to the environment, society and the economy. To travel in more environmentally friendly ways, recycle, choose environmentally friendly energy suppliers, do what you can for other people and perhaps donate money to charity. Everyone has a personal responsibility to leave a good world behind to the next generation.

The realisation that companies can increase their innovation, competitiveness and profitability by working with sustainability is greater now than ever. In addition to doing good business, we want to do good in society. Therefore, I was very happy when I was given the task of running Dstny’s CSR work.


CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and is about companies taking responsibility for how they affect society, from an economic, environmental and social perspective. It is about finding a sustainable way forward, which permeates all stages. An effort that we at Dstny, of course, want to be a part of. Therefore, we decided to take a holistic approach to our own sustainability work and from the ground up build a strategy that can help lead to a better tomorrow.

The global goals

There are 17 global goals set by world leaders, the most ambitious sustainable development agenda ever adopted. Officially, these are referred to as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). By focusing and working towards these goals, people, all over the world, can work together to fight poverty, injustice and raise the climate issue.


These global goals gave us at Dstny a perfect foundation to focus our own efforts on.

3 of the 17 goals

During the autumn, a survey of Dstny’s operations and the UN’s global sustainability goals was conducted, and we have begun structured work by selecting a number of the UN’s global goals. We have worked throughout the organisation to set intermediate goals in the short and long term in areas where we believe we can make the most difference. The global goals we have chosen to focus on are:

  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Reduce inequalities

By setting up a clear framework for how we work to reduce our CO2 footprint, reduce waste, ensure equal opportunities for all and put an end to discrimination, we believe we can make a difference. This is a work that is in full swing and something that we are actively working to develop over time.

Charity work

In addition to working with the three global goals, we also chose to create a sponsorship strategy that harmonises with these goals. To engage our staff, we set up a charity committee. Here, coworkers can, every quarter, nominate various causes for which Dstny donates money to. This way, we can make point efforts where we think it is most needed right now. Something that also creates a flexible and engaging work for everyone involved.

Internal culture

Last but certainly not least, we have also worked hard on our internal culture. A corporate culture also needs to be sustainable. A sustainable corporate culture leads to employees that thrive, evolve and are able to move the company in the right direction

Having a clear strategy on how we should take care of, and lift our colleagues, is an important foundation for all companies. We believe in a structure and leadership that allows everyone to grow in their role and allows them to make decisions and responsibilities, based on the entirety. Simply put, staff who dare to make a difference.

At Dstny, we constantly continue to develop and refine our CSR work to create sustainable solutions. The future will be so much better if everyone takes responsibility.

Do you want to read more about Dstny’s sustainability work? Click on the link below.