Why your sales reps need to start using a mobile app

Mobile apps have paved the way for a completely new way in how we perceive time and productivity. This means no more latency in response with e-mails becoming increasingly less of a standard. This is the new age of DMs and fast apps and anything more than a few minutes of delay is just not acceptable anymore. Mobile apps have come to shape day-to-day business and the way we interact with customers. Similarly to the apps pace, customers expect you to be just as swift.

In regard to business, sales reps are an integral part of any business, especially due to the fact they’re the first point of contact for customers. And with today’s developing consumer environment, quick apps can truly come in handy. It can help sales reps deliver lightning quick responses and thus an amazing experience for your customers.

Quick is key

If you tend to stick to the traditional ways of waiting for your cramped mailbox every morning, you’re probably stressed at that point and when you get time to answer the customer might have moved on already. On the other hand, if you use an app, you’re able to deliver quick and great experiences for customers, wherever you may be. The app can also in some cases push information into your CRM system while on the move.

The increased use of mobile apps bring the power of real-time communication between business and their customers. From responding when only at the office, we can now respond immediately. This has also resulted in the development of real-time emergency support and apps that enable businesses to interact with customers right away. This type of on-demand support is only bound to become a standard requirement in how businesses interact with their customers. Uber is a great example of a company that has taken a the game ahead by enabling customers support at the push of a button. They have also created a repertoire of frequently asked questions right in the app.

Improve communication within the company

The modern workplace is constantly changing and many companies today are spread out all over the world with numerous office locations. By adding a mobile app to communicate both internally and externally it can truly help your employees access real-time information and communication at a moment’s notice. Almost all employees today have a mobile phone and by leveraging the right mobile app, organizations can easily communicate, connect and share important information. In addition, If you’re sales reps are able to communicate easily and distribute work-load, they can help each other out with difficult tasks and thus continue to provide great customer experiences.

Why use a mobile app?

If you’re not convinced by now, don’t worry, there are countless reasons! Since most companies today already provide their employees with mobile phones, why not use it for smart apps to generate more sales and meanwhile deliver seamless customer experiences? You don’t need a bunch of different devices, an app or two that is integrated with your CRM system is enough to both keep you updated and on top of your game.

  • Leads get cold just as fast as your coffee does, so it’s crucial to be up to speed and close deals quickly. Let’s be honest, no one likes late replies, and your leads and customers are no exception. If you snooze, you lose in this super competitive environment. You need to equip your customers with the right tools to stay ahead of the game. They need to be able to respond to customers fast while not limited to their desks.
  • If you already spend a ton of your marketing budget to create leads, it’s also important to be quick to the chase in converting these. If you have an app you can respond immediately and deliver important information fast. Customers need information within a day or less to make a sales decision.
  • Every heard the saying that there is always someone willing to do it for half the price and half the time? The same applies here, if you’re not quick to respond, someone else with a similar business idea gladly will. The path to buying for a customer has to be quick and easy since customers are faced with hundreds of options in front of them, best be the first one to assure them you’re the company they’re looking for.
  • Working at a desk every day is steadily becoming outdated, and almost 70% of workers today work at least one day a week elsewhere. A mobile apps lets your sales reps to work and connect with customers from anywhere around the world.

Integrate your CRM

Maybe you think you’ve got it all under control by now, but don’t leave out your calendars and contacts from being integrated into your mobile app. It can be a huge time-saver! The app can also in some cases push information into your CRM system while on the move.If you have a meeting coming up, you will be notified and you can therefore change your status to busy and customers can call someone else from your company. In addition, it will also help provide all the information from the central database you need to help out customers. You’ll have an immediate and complete database right in the palm of your hand. This will not only let you head out of the office knowing that you have access to everything, but it will also retain a professional look for customers when  able to always suffice their needs without looking surprised.

We have a ton of useful integrations with our corporate telephony solution. By integrating your current CRM system with our powerful PBX you can help your customers a seamless way and stay on top of the game with leads and customers. This allows you to increase the level of service while also facilitating day-to-day work for your colleagues. A few of our integrations include systems such as Freshdesk, Salesforce, Zendesk, and Upsales.

Upgrade today

We can help you upgrade your company’s customer service and productivity with our smart PBX mobile app. Upgrade your company telephony and connect your mobile phone to our powerful PBX to let your phone become a powerful tool to retain and convert leads. When you’re on the go, you can easily manage many of the features available in the PBX service directly through a mobile app. We also offer ability to choose yourself what number should be displayed to maintain a professional customer impression. With our smart and flexible tool you can both be professional and effective in answering your customer’s calls regardless of in or out of office. Increase your mobility without jeopardizing your functionality or quality.

Want to upgrade your customer service today? We will gladly help you out! Click the button below to read more about our solution!