Virtual phone book

Information about a company’s own users is often one of its most important assets. Dstny’s Shared phone book gives you the information you need.
Keep track of all your colleagues

Keep track of all your colleagues

Searching for colleagues is one of the most common tasks in a workplace. To make it even simpler, we have made it so that you always have access to searches wherever you are located, for example, on the intranet.

Develop yourself or use a complete search page

Develop yourself or use a complete search page

Thanks to our open API, you have the opportunity to customize and develop your own search page that retrieves all information directly from the switch. We will provide you with the information you need, of course. However, we know that everyone does not have access to developers on site and therefore we have made a search page specifically for the individual customer who is ready to use.

Search for, for example, a name or an email and receive:

Search for, for example, a name or an email and receive:

  • First name and surname
  • User name
  • Primary and secondary number
  • Mobile number
  • E-mail address
  • Notes field
  • 1-3Line status
  • Presence status
  • Presence comments
  • Availability

Frequently asked questions about Shared phone book

For whom does the Virtual phone book feature fit?

The service suits both large and small companies. For example, if you have many employees spread across different areas or key personel that your staff often need to contact, then this service is perfect for you. Because the Virtual phone book helps your staff to search for people based on different parameters, you can easily find the right person at the right time.

Does the service work on a mobile phone?

The Virtual phone book works as well on your mobile as on a regular computer. As the service is in a web interface, you can reach it as long as you have the address of the website and your login information. This way you always have access to your colleagues’ contact information.

Can you see which contacts that are occupied and available?

The Virtual phone book is connected to your switch and is therefore aware of the status you have chosen there. If you have chosen e.g. the status available or at a meeting, this will be shown directly in the phone book.

Does this service require any kind of installation?

The service is completely web-based and therefore requires no installation. As long as you have the address of the website and your login details, you can reach the Virtual phone book wherever you are.

Latest update June 2021

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