
Dstny Believes Partnerships are Everything

Dstny Believes Partnerships are Everything

“You can’t be great at everything, which is why you have to partner with those who make you stronger,” Mattias Ohde, CEO, Dstny, shared, opening up about the necessity for companies to partner up to create more trustworthy solutions for end-users. Partnerships can profit every aspect of a business including sales execution. And depending on the partner, he said they’re all as critical when it comes to getting unified communications technology into the hands of contact centers and those who find themselves working from home.
What does it mean to be a colleague in a digital workplace?

What does it mean to be a colleague in a digital workplace?

We’ve heard the term digital team circle around for the past few months, but have we really talked about it on an individual level? Shouldn’t the same thought process also apply to being a digital colleague? Today I’d like to coin the term and what it’s all about! As a digital age offspring, digital methodology … Continued

A Service Manager becomes more like a colleague than a supplier

A Service Manager becomes more like a colleague than a supplier

People often talk about the importance of good customer relationships, but what is a good customer relationship, really? The concept of customer relationship, obviously consists of many different components, but basically it is about service companies offering the right kind of services together with the right conditions to their customers. When our customers have the … Continued

3 ways you can improve your business by optimizing your telephony system

3 ways you can improve your business by optimizing your telephony system

From time to time we come across companies, usually of the larger kind, which have an ancient office telephony system. When we propose a cloud-based solution, we get the answer “Why should we replace something that still works?”. And yes, old fixed telephone exchanges are known to have good durability, they do not break so … Continued