How and why

Email communication with customers – The do’s and don’ts

Email communication with customers – The do’s and don’ts

While rumour has it that your email enthusiastic colleagues are a dying breed, it’s actually still one of the main communication channels of choice among customers. This may be due to a multiple reason, but a few being that their communication can be stated clearly and is logged for future reference. Because let’s be honest, … Continued

The word hello was not a greeting phrase before the phone was invented

The word hello was not a greeting phrase before the phone was invented

The creation of the phone has changed our way of life, in many ways. Everything from being able to globalize the way we do business, to today, we having almost all the world’s knowledge available on our cell phones. The phone has also affected what words we use. When texting became common, we started shortening … Continued

How to create a digital office for your company

How to create a digital office for your company

Office environments have drastically changed coupled with the digitalization of most companies. What traditionally required a desk, a flashy new computer, a phone, and a cubicle – have now been replaced by the new concept of  digital office that fortify remote workers. Remote work as well as rented office environments have become increasingly popular alternatives … Continued

The digital transformation of B2C – Meeting customers where they want to connect

The digital transformation of B2C – Meeting customers where they want to connect

The digital transformation of companies and the entire world have played a huge role in B2C and how we interact today. Instead of sending a letter, an e-mail, or even a fast text, we have quickly merged over to keeping everything online over social media. Businesses have had to inherently adapt to this change in … Continued